The Bata and Nkue Rainbow School teaching team had the opportunity to visit La Milagrosa School in Mokom for a day focused on learning and improving educational practices.
During the visit, the Arco Iris teachers were distributed among the classrooms according to the courses they teach, rotating between them to observe different methods and strategies employed by the La Milagrosa de Mokom team. This approach allowed for a dynamic and direct exchange, fostering mutual learning and strengthening pedagogical practices.
The meeting was described as a very fruitful experience. We thank the team of La Milagrosa de Mokom for the warm welcome, their dedication and for sharing their knowledge in a generous and committed way.
We also highlight the interest of the Arco Iris teaching team in continuing to improve classroom practices, demonstrating their commitment to educational excellence and the development of their students. This initiative reaffirms Parentes Foundation’s responsibility to provide the best pedagogical approaches, as well as the importance of collaboration between institutions that promote quality education through the exchange of methodologies and best practices.