Development cooperation2024-05-31T14:29:50+00:00

Development cooperation

Development cooperation

Principles of our action

Our main objective is to promote the Right to Education of the most vulnerable population. To this end, we collaborate with institutions in different countries through projects that ensure access to inclusive and quality education and, also, that promote lifelong learning opportunities for everyone.
We believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, reducing inequalities and developing the maximum potential of each person to access the labor market and lead a more autonomous life.

Our priority lines of intervention are:

We guarantee scholarships and study grants to ensure access to education for the most vulnerable children and youth.

We advise on the development of teaching materials and tools, as well as training in good teaching practices.

We provide educational and school materials, as well as technology and computer equipment to reduce the digital gap in education.

We support the construction and adaptation of educational facilities that provide safe, inclusive and effective learning environments.


Inclusive and innovative educational project to improve care for children and their families in a rural school in Ethiopia


Restoration of the Pilgrim’s Shelter in the Copacabana Cathedral


Conservation of the Cathedral of Concepción in Santa Cruz, Bolivia


Conservation of the architectural heritage in Toca de Asís, Quito

Rehabilitation of infrastructures and technological adaptation in 11 schools
Maintenance and study assistance in 6 schools
Expansion and adaptation of a nursery and primary school in Sagure
Equipment for productive workshops for vulnerable population
Rehabilitation of facilities, technological adaptation and study support in 30 schools
School scholarships for girls from foster homes
Technical-vocational education of young women
Extension and adaptation of a primary school in Yirgalem

Other lines of action

At the Parentes Foundation we are aware that human rights are indivisible and interrelated, which means that the advancement of one facilitates the advancement of the others. For this reason, in addition to promoting the right to education, some of our support is aimed at guaranteeing a healthy life and promoting well-being for all people, especially children, youth and the elderly. We also consider it essential to ensure the availability of adequate water and sanitation, especially in educational and health centers.

Construction of a neonatal care hospital unit
Drilling of a water well at the Sagure nursery and primary school
Repair of water wells and sanitation systems in schools
Reconstruction of a home for the elderly in a situation of neglect
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