Arco Iris School visits La Milagrosa de Mokom for an enriching exchange of best practices
The Bata and Nkue Rainbow School teaching team had the [...]
The Bata and Nkue Rainbow School teaching team had the [...]
On October 28, 29, and 30th, the Parentes Foundation held [...]
Since its inception, Fundación Parentes has been firmly committed to [...]
Objectives: The main objective of this project is to [...]
Objectives: The main objective of this project is to [...]
Objectives: This is a 6-month pilot project that was [...]
The school, which was financed by Parentes Foundation for its [...]
Since 2019, Parentes Foundation has been working to contribute to [...]
The University and Parentes Foundation have financed the refurbishment [...]
Representatives of Parentes Foundation visited the Clinic and Maternity Hospital [...]