Peer Support Project

We want more and more excellent students to be excellent, and at the same time that no student is left without reaching the objectives of each educational stage.

With the idea of promoting this value, we decided to propose a program aimed at the continuous improvement of excellence and equity. With this purpose on the horizon, we have launched a solidarity school support project: Peer Support Project. It allows students to “help each other academically among equals” within the school day. This creates a space for the exchange of “richness” between students of different grades and stages, which promotes the growth and maturity of all. The success of the Peer Support Project requires the involvement of the entire educational community. Both teachers and students of the different stages, as well as parents, the management team and the administration and service staff. It is also essential the role of the guidance department and personal and classroom tutors, in order to identify the real needs of students.

Who is the target audience?

Peer Support Project targets students with learning difficulties or behavioral problems.

One of the most effective strategies to help underachieving students overcome their school difficulties is to provide extra teaching time. Tailor teaching to their needs so that they can catch up with their peers and concentrate efforts where they are most needed.

Project developed by Fuenllana

Within the Peer Support Project, there are two relevant figures, as defined in the PISA methodology:

Academic all rounders/Mentors – Academic all rounders

  • Students who reach Level 5 or 6 proficiency in all areas.
  • Among OECD countries, the Czech Republic has the highest percentage of students within schools who are all-rounders, with 7% on average.
  • These students are well prepared to pursue further studies and make their way into the labor market in a competitive, knowledge-based global economy.
  • How many all-rounders an education system produces is an indication of the degree of success in fostering educational excellence.

Alumnos rezagados/Mentorizados – Los estudiantes en riesgo

  • No alcanzan el Nivel 2 de rendimiento en ninguna de las áreas.
  • En Colombia, dentro de los centros, un promedio del 39% de los estudiantes son alumnos en riesgo.
  • Estos estudiantes únicamente pueden llevar a cabo las tareas más simples y más obvias y puede esperarse que encuentren dificultades en sus futuras actividades educativas y profesionales.

How does the Peer Support Project work?

Once the students participating in the project are defined, a mentored student will be assigned to another mentor. The mentor will be responsible for providing support and help in specific subjects.

What are the benefits of the program?

The ideology aims to train our students in the values of Christian humanism, which will lead them to become tomorrow’s professionals capable of creating a caring and just society, where everyone finds their place.

Peer Support Project encourages this spirit of solidarity, the concern for others, for those close to you, in a way that adapts to different ages, and makes it materializable and concrete.

We want to make them aware that small individual actions can change society as a whole.

  • For mentored mentees, it is an opportunity to catch up with their peers so that they can take advantage of further learning.
  • For the mentored mentees, it is an opportunity to dedicate their free time for the benefit of others, in a generous and altruistic way. And to reinforce their self-esteem and knowledge, as this happens whenever it is shared.
  • It is also an opportunity for the future, as it enables them to join society in a way that can bring growth and wealth for all.
  • The entire educational community benefits from mutual help. Families with fewer resources, capacity or time to support their children feel that they are not alone. By being part of the educational community, they will succeed with the support of all.
  • Society, as a whole, receives students who are better prepared and capable of generating the social and productive change needed in these difficult times.