Character Education: An innovative approach to shaping young people with meaning and purpose in the 21st century
In an increasingly uncertain world, character education is key to helping young [...]
Arco Iris School visits La Milagrosa de Mokom for an enriching exchange of best practices
The Bata and Nkue Rainbow School teaching team had the opportunity to [...]
International Educational Network Parentes: III Training Day for School Leaders from Croatia and Prague
On October 28, 29, and 30th, the Parentes Foundation held the III [...]
Construction Advances on Two Schools in Jimma and Semera, Ethiopia
Since its inception, Fundación Parentes has been firmly committed to improving access [...]
The Sisters of the Holy Rosary College in Sagure, Ethiopia awarded
The school, which was financed by Parentes Foundation for its construction, has [...]
Azobé and Tiama schools start 24-25 school year on new campus
Since 2019, Parentes Foundation has been working to contribute to a model [...]
Parentes Foundation promotes improvements in the Maternal and Infant Health Clinic of the AFAC Foundation in Quito
Representatives of Parentes Foundation visited the Clinic and Maternity Hospital run by [...]
Three collaboration projects in Kenya successfully concluded
Parentes Foundation has partnered in the implementation of three projects with the [...]
First term of the Course for Improvement in Education and Social Assistance in Sao Tome and Principe ends successfully
In close collaboration with the associations Bon-dja São Tomé and ARCAR (Association [...]
Arenales Parentes Educational Foundation takes over the Compañia de María and Lestonnac Schools in Ferrol
Through a public notarial deed, the change of ownership of the Compañia [...]
The Wayra-Mafi project for the protection of adolescent mothers and infants in Peru continues
Initiated in March 2023, the Wayra-Mafi project aimed at improving the protection [...]
The 2nd Parentes International Educational Network Training Days begin in Madrid
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the second edition of the Training Days [...]
Tiama and Azobe schools in Cameroon join Parentes International Educational Network
After a period of collaboration in various areas, Tiama and Azobe schools [...]
Schools for Development programme kicks off in Jimma and Semera in Ethiopia
From Parentes Foundation and the NGO Action, Development, and Sustainability (ADS), we [...]
Los Sauces School in Mexico joins Parentes International Educational Network
Parentes International Educational Network welcomes Los Sauces School, located in Puebla, Mexico. [...]
Visit to the productive workshops and support programme for teenage mothers at the Cristo Rey Centre in Peru
In order to reduce the opportunity gap for vulnerable youth and women, [...]
ONCE Foundation for Latin America hands over a Perkins machine to visually impaired students in Quito
In an emotional ceremony, representatives of the ONCE Foundation for Latin America [...]
Parentes Foundation continues supporting education and sustainability in 6 schools in Pakistan
The Congregation of Religious of Jesus and Mary and Parentes Foundation work [...]
Parentes Foundation and the Serra-Schönthal Foundation Against Trafficking
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimates that there [...]
Reading Without Imperatives: 5 Keys to Promote Reading in Preschool and Primary School
The celebration of International Book Day reminds us every year of the [...]
“San Rafael Arcángel-Santa Luisa” and “Sagrado Corazón” schools join the International Educational Network
Two Vincentian schools in Madrid, which belong to the Daughters of Charity, [...]
Implementation of three workshops begins in Tacna, Peru.
Parentes Foundation begins its collaboration with El Centro Cristo Rey del Niño [...]
Project F: an educational space for families
The formative and educational work of Colegio Los Pinos, in Ecuador, has [...]
8M International Women’s Day: equality starts with access to education
Education has the power to change the world, to build more just [...]
Los Pinos school board visits schools in Madrid and Barcelona
During the past week, the management team of Los Pinos school in [...]
Parentes Foundation expands its lines of development cooperation in Ethiopia
Madrid, February 13th - With the aim of carrying out an adequate [...]
Educational Network Parentes joins the International Education Day
Madrid, January 24th - In its mission to promote access to quality [...]
Kids Garden Sweden and the role of parents in early childhood education
Madrid, January 4, 2023 _ Kids Garden Sweden takes a holistic view [...]
Solidarity through volunteering: work camp for “OLOA Project”
Madrid, December 9, 2022 - This week we celebrated International Volunteer Day [...]
Pope Francis receives Parentes Foundation in Rome
During a private audience, Pope Francis acknowledged with affectionate words [...]
BeLeader: the challenge of developing skills in students at Colegio Los Pinos (Ecuador)
Madrid, November 21, 2022. - Parentes Foundation has developed the "BeLeader Program" for [...]
Managers and teachers from Ivory Coast, Congo and Cameroon attend a week of training in Madrid
During this week, Parentes Foundation has organized a week of training for [...]
Sharing experiences for new projects
Last September, Parentes Foundation was visited by Ciro Candia, founder of an [...]
The schools of Education Network have started the school year
The International Educational Network of Parentes Foundation is formed by schools located [...]
Pinart – A cultural project with social projection
Educating in beauty through art Pinart is a cultural project promoted by [...]
Parentes Foundation visits Liziba and Bozindo schools in Congo
Last week the team of Parentes Foundation travelled to Kinshasa - Congo [...]
Educating to build the future
First workshop of the International Educational Network Parentes Foundation Last Tuesday, the [...]
More than 600 teachers take part in courses organised by Parentes Foundation for the Daughters of Charity Schools
In recent months, the Parentes Foundation has organised a total of 5 [...]
International Women in Mathematics Day
More and more women are becoming interested in the world of science, [...]
Course on Good Practices in Latin America
One of the main objectives of Parentes Foundation is to promote educational [...]
Training plan in Africa and Latin America
Always attentive to bring the same educational opportunities to different parts of [...]
Pinart: an international, cultural and social project
Pinart is a cultural initiative of Los Pinos School (Euador) and the [...]
Teachers from Croatia visit Parentes Foundation
Last November teachers from the Klinci Rinci school, located in Zagreb, made [...]
The Open Day, beyond a promotional strategy
Parentes Educational Network is formed by several institutions from all over the [...]
Learning and humor, is it possible?
On the occasion of World Smile Day, celebrated last October 1st, some [...]
Art Therapy for children: paint what you feel
Young children deal with many of the same emotions that adults do: [...]
The end of a good school year for the Parentes School
Last Wednesday, June 30, the famous end-of-school-year certificate was solemnly presented to [...]
Pedagogy of the snail
The classics already warned us of the conflict between speed (Chronos) and [...]
Leadership competencies
Nowadays we cannot stop hearing about digital skills, and that is good, [...]
Ivan Bazina analyses new technologies in Croatian education in a TV interview
Ivan Bazina, a teacher from the Junior School Lotščak in Zagreb, was [...]
Formal education in the outskirts of the garbage dump of Guatemala City
The Junkabal Foundation began its work in 1963 and, since then, it [...]
Current challenges for education around the world
The Parentes Educational Network is getting bigger and bigger. The advantage of [...]
Condoray and the digital transformation challenge
Fundación Parentes is proud to collaborate with the institute of higher education for [...]
Education and communication within the family
At Fundación Parentes we know that the involvement of parents in the [...]
The importance of the figure of the tutor in the teaching process
From Fundación Parentes we want to highlight the importance of the figure [...]
We are proud to announce that Los Pinos school occupies the 4th position in the ranking of the schools in Quito!
Collected by the People 's Choice of favorite schools in the Ecuadorian [...]
Training course in management and educational improvement in Pakistan
Fundación Parentes organizes a course on "Training in Management and Educational Improvement" [...]