ONCE Foundation for Latin America hands over a Perkins machine to visually impaired students in Quito
In an emotional ceremony, representatives of the ONCE Foundation for [...]
In an emotional ceremony, representatives of the ONCE Foundation for [...]
The Congregation of Religious of Jesus and Mary and Parentes [...]
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimates [...]
The celebration of International Book Day reminds us every year [...]
Two Vincentian schools in Madrid, which belong to the Daughters [...]
Parentes Foundation begins its collaboration with El Centro Cristo Rey [...]
The formative and educational work of Colegio Los Pinos, in [...]
Education has the power to change the world, to build [...]
During the past week, the management team of Los Pinos [...]
Local partner: ADS Foundation Geographical area: Sagure (Oromia region) Description: [...]